Anyone who owns property or requires coverage from liabilities. (Which is a fancy way of saying anyone).
Why do you need insurance? The short answer is to protect yourself and what you own.
You can get insurance for all sorts of things and depending on what you get, it can protect you in a few different ways. One major way is from loss.
For example, say someone breaks into your home and steals your TV, all your shoes, and your laptop. It could take a few thousand dollars to replace that all. However, with personal property insurance, you would get money to replace what was stolen.
Insurance can also protect you from being liable.
If you invite people over for dinner and someone slips on ice on your front step, breaking their ankle, you could be sued. But with personal liability insurance, you would likely be covered. Although insurance would probably cover you for this, we suggest trying to avoid the whole friend getting injured thing by sanding your walkway.
Below are three main forms of insurance. Within each of these there are different policies you can get depending on the risk. For details on specific insurance (like home, auto, or business), head over to our products page.
Liability insurance: protection given to you by the insurance company that covers you if you’re sued for bodily injury or property damage.
Property insurance: protects your physical assets (from your home to that shirt on your back).
Professional insurance: this is insurance for certain professions, like a doctor, lawyer, or engineer. It protects them in case they give poor advice that affects a client.
From your friends at Brio Insurance of course! Our staff are all trained and knowledgeable about the different kinds of insurance out there. They’re great at finding the best rates too.
You can come see us at our of our locations or to get started, you can simply give us a call or send us an email. We even have a fancy online quote tool. Once we receive your request, we’ll follow up and get the ball rolling.
When you’re ready to get your insurance, you’ll need to bring information on yourself (so we can verify who you are) and some background on what you’re insuring. Before we can insure property, a replacement cost evaluation will be done to establish a premium.
For house or property insurance, you’ll need to provide information about the property. Here’s some examples of things we look for:
- Year it was built
- Square footage
- Stories
- Bathrooms
- Updates / age of roof, furnace, plumbing, electrical
We sure do! Between our branches, we can help you in sixteen different languages.
- Steinbach – High German, Low German, French, Housa
- Beausejour – French LaBroquerie – French
- Winnipeg, St. Mary’s – Hindi, Punjabi, Gujarati, French, Ukrainian, Russian,Kinyarwanda, Kiswahili, Kirundi
- Winnipeg, Leila – Hindi, Punjabi, Ukrainian, Russian, Afrikaans
- Winnipeg, Riverbend – Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi
- Winnipeg, Goulet – French, Spanish, Tagalog
- Gimli – Polish, Ukrainian, Russian
The different pieces that make up the insurance policy. These include standard coverages that are included in a package (such as dwelling, contents, or legal liability) and any optional coverages you purchase (such as sewer back-up or liability extensions).
A deductible is the amount you need to pay when you make an insurance claim. The basic deductible with MPI is $500. When you register your car (or motorcycle, off-road vehicle, or camper for that matter), you have the opportunity to select a lower one.
Extension deductibles are usually $300, $200, or $100, but can vary based on what you’re insuring. When you choose a lower deductible, your premium (or the amount you pay for insurance) will go up, but some claims will have the deductible waived. Basically, you pay a bit more now, which could save you some cash later.
Check out this handy deductible fact sheet to see what claims have a waived deductible. In the end, what deductible you should pick is up to you.
The amount of money you pay for your insurance policy.
The personal liability included in your policy protects you in the event that you should be found legally liable for damages.
Things that are specifically not covered by an insurance policy. These are usually factors that would increase the risk associated with your policy.
A change or addition to an insurance policy that that either expands or limits the coverage and benefits of the policy. A rider or endorsement can be purchased at the beginning of the policy term, or added later.
Our friendly insurance experts make getting insurance quick and easy. Fill in a quote request with details about your needs and one of our team members will be in touch shortly.